Friday, October 29, 2010

What are my strength and weaknesses..

This is one of the topis that simple but yet a very difficult to explain it.
People have their own strength and weaknesses that they realised but sometimes they not.
So do I.
Actually,I don't very expert in judging myself about this.
But,I realise some of my strength and weaknesses.
p/s:So,please accept me although I'm not a perfect person,my friends..hehe


1)Hardworking person when I have the good moods.
2)My communication skills,I can mixed with any kinds of peoples.
3)I have the ability to cope with failures and try to learn from my mistakes.
4)Love to learn new things.
5)A good helper towards those who need it.
6)Highly energetic.


1)Sometimes,I could be a very hot-tempered person when I get my nerves on that person.(hehehe)
2)Not punctual.
3)Lazy(the worst ever).
4)Easily get nervous around people especially when talking in public.
5)Could be a very sensitive person.
6)Lacks of woman skills.(heheheh).
7)Lacks of self-confidence.(sometimes).

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